Thursday 2 October 2008

Similiar Project Reflections


"Use is made of granularity (vocabulary is {object, page, document} ) although this information is not stored in the IMS metadata record. The materials are stored in folder systems to represent the hierarchy. i.e. document folders contain pages and pages contain objects."

An interesting comment - may be worth looking into doing this for this project - as we have the option - see image.

Their specific reflections (I have experienced some of this too)
"Several versions of the IMS specification were looked at during the course of the project. Some problems with the specification were:

The examples given for how to use the elements were unclear,
particularly in the earlier documentation.

Best Practice Guidelines
There were not enough best practice guidelines.

Unclear Explanations
The catalog entry field caused some confusion initially. It was unclear if catalog and catalog entries were to be used for external searching.

New Versions
The IMS specification changed several times during the course of the project. It is quite difficult to automate the processes of upgrading and downgrading, particularly when vocabularies changed and when the specification changed to allow more than one lifecycle contributor."

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