Wednesday, 26 November 2008


Sam has been successful in transforming an example xml file (created from a XCRI-CAP xsd) into an SDI file for HIVE (an XML file marked-up for HIVE).

Sam is currently debugging the SDI file for validation and structure issues - in addition to making sure that the output XML file is valid for how the XCRI XML should look.

The software we are using is XMLSpy - a very useful development tool for this part of the project.

Work is continuing on refining the SDI file - in particular the issue of defining attributes for spceific elements. HIVE has a limited range of available attributes for schema elements - for example xml:lang="en-gb" is used with langstring for the title element. The problem is when XCRI refers to other attributes, for example, src / title / alt for image element or onclick attributes for x:div for description element.

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